When it comes to choosing a digital marketing agency, there are many factors to take into consideration. In order to get the most out of your advertising and marketing budget, you need to make sure that you’re getting a high-quality product. If you’ve been in the business for any length of time, you’ve probably heard the saying, “The best advertisement is a good one.” This is because advertisers want to work with an agency that they can be proud of. You don’t want to advertise with an agency that isn’t producing quality work. When you find this out beforehand, it will go a long way toward making sure that your advertising budget is spent wisely. And what better way than by checking out an agency’s history? To help you get a better feel for what kind of company you are working with, check out these seven ways to evaluate a digital marketing agency before hiring:
Ask for a List of Work.
Before hiring an advertising and marketing agency, you’ll want to make sure that you know what you’re looking for in terms of niche, type of work, and budget. This list will give you some insight into what kind of clients the agency’s work will be appropriate for. After all, if the agency isn’t tailored to your business’s needs, you may end up with a bad experience.
Get to Know the Agency.
Some agencies are more suited to working on a fee-for-service basis. In these cases, the advertising and marketing agency will simply bill you each time they’re called in to execute a campaign. If you’d rather work on a project-based basis, check out agencies that offer a consulting model.
Ask For an Agreed-On Scope of Work.
You’ll want to make sure that the internet advertising agency you choose has a clear understanding of the scope of work for which they are bidding. Sometimes, this will be defined in the contract. Other times, it will be evident through discussion with the agency. When you’re unsure of the scope of work, get the okay from your CMO or CEO to launch a test drive. This will help the agency understand what type of campaign you’re interested in and ensure that they have the necessary skills to execute the project.
Ask to See Past Projects.
When you’re deciding between agencies, it’s important to get a look at which projects they’ve worked on in the past. You’ll want to make sure that the agency you’re working with is a good fit for your goals. After all, you’re spending your hard-earned money on their services, so it’s important that they’re well-suited to your needs as well. Some agencies may have a particularly good track record when it comes to certain types of work, so it’s worth taking a look at what that agency has done in the past. But make sure you do this search thoroughly before choosing an agency.
Use Digital Marketing Agency Testimonials.
You’ll find plenty of examples of great work from both agency and freelance clients on social media. But try to see what examples of real traffic and revenue the agency has performed. You can find this information in the Google Analytics analytics section. You can also look through the social media profiles of each campaign to see what type of metrics have been tracked.
Ask About Processes and Tools.
When you’re choosing a digital marketing agency In Lagos, it’s important to get to know the tools that the agency uses. This includes the agency’s process for selecting clients, managing campaigns, and analyzing metrics. Some tools, like Google, are industry-standard. Others, like Facebook, may be unique to the agency. Depending on what you’re looking for, you can also check out agency websites to see if there are tools or processes that aren’t mentioned in the ad or marketing materials.
Ask to see Examples of Real Traffic and Revenue.
You can’t just launch a campaign and hope for the best. The revenue generated from it must be verifiable. This means that you need to see real traffic and revenue from the campaign in order for it to be valid. You can use tools like Quantcast to track the number of people who are visiting your website and the number of people who are actually purchasing your products or services. You can also use Google Analytics to see what percentage of people have actually entered your website’s promotion code during the campaign.
Bottom line
Choosing the right internet advertising agency in Lagos is a critical part of growing your business. By taking the time to evaluate an agency before hiring, you can determine whether or not they are the right fit for your business. Don’t let your budget or timing determine which agency you should work with. Be selective based on the type of work you do and the budget you have available.