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What Will Be The Expenses After Purchasing The Car?

As we’ve seen, you can’t be fooled into thinking that the costs related to buying a car come down to the value of that good. Therefore, it is necessary to plan.

To keep the vehicle headache-free, be aware of the expenses that come with your new purchase, like Buy Car Plate Numbers (ซื้อ ป้าย ทะเบียน which is the term in Thai). Even when you become a vehicle owner, some expenses become a regular part of your budget, and you need to be prepared to pay for them.

Below we list some of the expenses that arise when buying a car. Check it out and avoid surprises in the future!


It is impossible not to mention the tax burden built into purchases. When we talk about automobiles, we must keep in mind the costs related to the Motor Vehicle Property Tax (IPVA), which has to be paid annually and, as a rule, is proportional to the value of the car. In addition to the IPVA, the vehicle owner must also pay the annual licensing fee.


Fueling the car isn’t cheap — and this will probably be the main and most constant expense with the new car — it’s worth researching fuel consumption. Therefore, give preference to flex cars, which accept gasoline and alcohol, and make an estimated calculation of how much you will spend per month on this input. To do so, evaluate your daily route in kilometers, leaving a surplus for possible unforeseen events, and calculate how many liters per kilometer each model makes.


There are cars with a low price but with a very high maintenance value. Therefore, before buying the car, it is essential to consider the expenses with scheduled revisions and even simpler, day-to-day acts, such as changing the oil, buying new tires, and replacing parts due to wear. Natural or breakage.

As it is your first car, a tip is to give preference to more basic models, whose maintenance is simple and cheap and which, for sure, will not bring you a headache. Today, the market offers many options for popular cars that are economical, well equipped, and very reliable. Without a doubt, one of them will meet your needs.


We will address the need to have an insurance company more calmly afterward. Still, it is worth remembering that automotive insurance can also represent a considerable expense proportional to the vehicle’s value and the services contracted. In this case, it is worth making a quote for the models that are on your list of possible purchases. Some vehicles, either because they have more expensive parts or because they are more targeted by criminals, have insurance with higher premiums, making the driver need to pay more for protection.

Paul Roberts: As a legal affairs journalist turned blogger, Paul's posts offer expert analysis of legal news and court cases. His clear explanations and engaging style make complex legal issues more understandable for readers.